About Us

Anti-Corrosion Commandos at Your Service

Enduring service life, minimum downtime, and optimal environmental compliance are critical for industrial survival, success, and progression. The one obstacle that can affect all three factors is corrosion.

Given this, the R&D division of Felix Industries places special emphasis on developing innovative, corrosion-resistant materials. It offers a diverse array of thermoplastic pipes that can withstand a wide range of chemicals and elevated temperatures without flaws or failure.

Many chemicals used in the process industry aggressively corrode most metal equipment, leading to process leaks, flow restrictions, and ultimately, premature failure.

Corrosion is the single biggest problem faced by the piping industry regarding the use of ferrous and mild steel as construction materials. It can decrease piping life, interrupt production, and cause power losses. These industries often require process piping systems made of materials that can withstand tough industrial environments.

Steel, despite being a robust material of construction, is cumbersome to handle and therefore difficult to install. Thermoplastic pipes, costing less than steel (supply and installation), and with a proven lifespan of over 20 years, are the ideal option.

Industrial Piping Systems
Felix Industries Limited offers the following range of pipes, fittings, and accessories manufactured by ASTRAL POLY TECHNIK LIMITED:

  • C-PVC
  • U-PVC
  • PVDF
  • PP-H
  • HDPE